Zhong Neng offshore wind farm


30 wind turbines with a capacity of 300MW

Taiwan Strait, Taiwan

Project manager
Mike Oudshoorn


Extra complexity is added at the Zhongneng offshore wind farm due to the extreme weather conditions at the location.


The wind farm is owned by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), China Steel Corporation, Diamond Generating Asia and Taiwan Life Insurance Co. Copenhagen Offshore Partners (COP), our client, is responsible for seconding the project team and taking project management lead and also the project CEO.

Information about the Zhongneng offshore wind farm

The offshore wind farm is adjacent to CIP’s Chang Fang and Xidao offshore wind farms. All wind farms produce 300 megawatts of renewable energy. In other words, they supply 300.000 households of sustainable energy. The project requires innovative measures, because of the extreme natural forces such as earthquakes, sand waves and soil liquefaction.

Project photos

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